SiriusXM — Sirius XM is truly incompetent!

For years and years my son and I have had ongoing problems with Sirius XM radio. He and I both have the same name but one is a JR and the other is III. We live at different addresses but in the same city and XM radio can’t seem to figure out how to keep the radios separate. Two weeks ago, it got so confusing (I have 3 honda’s, all with XM radios). I had to cancel one because they’re just so **** stupid! A few minutes ago, my son had his radio cut off because they got the radios confused: AGAIN! Now, after I paid them 2 weeks ago for my subscription, they’ve cut me off, and removed my vehicle because they’ve confused the accounts AGAIN AND AGAIN! I’ve never dealt with such a STUPID group of people. I am going to file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission and the Better Business Bureau and then cancel another subscription! STOP BEING SO STUPID!

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