Shoshana Wodinsky Gizmodo — New York

Shoshana Wodinsky at Gizmodo has no shame and she is trying to sleep her way up the corporate ladder. De She loves giving bj to men to goad confidential information out of these h***y bastards so she could publish smear articles, and Gizmodo is that perfect platform for her smear attacks. If you ever see this woman in 81st Street, run as fast as you can in the opposite direction. She is a nasty little w***e who enjoys playing journalist even if there is no hint of truth in her publications. Send your worst tips to and, or give her a call at (516)569-5494.

(516) 569-5494

411 Oxford Ct Cedarhurst NY 11516
507 E 81st St Apt 7 New York NY 10028

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