ShopRite — Manager unprofessional and rude

Goodevening, My name is Nygeda and my fiance is currently an employee at shoprite located in hatfield. A few days ago there was a problem with one of the managers by the name Toni Metopulous ( or something of that sort), but her first name is Toni. She was very unprofessional and very nasty and rude when she approached my fiance about a question she asked him. Not only that she screamed at him as if he was a dog, and even dogs are due respect. And not only did she scream, but she did this in front of other employees which was very disrespectful and unprofessional. Now my fiance was told by herself (toni) and another manager by the name frank, that my fiance 2 days his off would be the same every week due to my schedule and because of us not having a babysitter for our daughter. My fiance and I went on vacation and toni approved this, which my fiance told her prior to hire. So we get back on a Thursday, my fiance called out that Friday and since his days off are Wednesday and Saturdays, he didn’t go to work that Saturday because it was his day off. So on Monday, thats when toni approached him very nasty and unprofessional. My fiance is Autistic and he made Toni well aware of his disability of hire.. He doesn’t know how to handle conflict nor can he make conscious loyal decisions on his own and I felt that she was very disrespectful in her approach. So on Tuesday I told my fiance who’s name is William Lombardo that when he arrive at work to let me speak with Frank about this matter. But unfortunately Frank wasn’t there . So I told him to put toni on the phone, so I can ask her and tell her about his disability and how I felt.. So toni was very rude on the phone. She over talked me, and was nasty in her tone, than hung up my fiance phone on me. I’m really asking for this matter to be addressed because to me it sounds personal and she bullies my fiance. I had went up to the store personally after she hung up in my ear to speak with Sue ( another manager) about this whole thing and about Toni misconduct behavior. I asked Sue if Toni not deal with my fiance in any matter, and if herself ( Sue or frank ) can deal with my fiance only. But unfortunately that wasn’t important to them, because Toni is still having involvement with my fiance and it’s very alarming, because I’m his voice, caretaker, fiance…..And more, and as his woman, it’s my duty to be his voice because he don’t know how. Please do something with this lady. My fiance is literally frightened of her. My fiance have a disability called asparagus. Autismawareness. By suspending manager Toni or making it well known to not deal with my finance in no circumstances.

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