Shoppers Drug Mart — Pharmacist not abide by college rules for sake of OTC product

I requested to purchase 10 tablets of Ranitidine 150mg tablets as OTC .I’m aware of the recalls and also know that 4500mg can be sold as OTC The pharmacist refused the sale and insisted it be fine as a RX , create a profile etc . When I went back to pick up the order she wanted to charge $10.60 as dispensing fee . The sale of OTC product is cost plus upcharge . She wanted to charge a dispensing fee which is well above the upcharge . I declined the purchase as clearly she was not aware of OTC sale of products Very disappointed and will not go back to that pharmacy as it was very challenging to even make the request for the OTC sale The staff and pharmacist should both be knowledgeable on the sale of OTC products as per college guidelines

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