Shireen Foroohar — Newport Beach, California

This wannabe princess backstabs her closest friends, uses guys for free trips and acts like she is a jetsetter however she is over 40, broke, still single (for a reason) and lives with her parents. She goes around Newport and CDM, Balboa Bay Club and Newport Coast, acting like she is all that, hanging around whomever will buy her a meal or the latest guy she is getting free stuff from and is a a full-on female hater, user and backstabber. Shireen will act like she cares about you to get what she wants then she will flirt with you man, even was sending pics to her friends boyfriend for attention. She lies to make herself look good and talks **** on everyone else to deflect from her own miserable lonely life. BEWARE of this crazy cruel ***** , she is only out for herself and will get off on humiliating you, using you and going after your boyfriend or money! Do not trust her with any information, she will turn around anything confidential and even go after your boyfriend.

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