— Remove it now or be in a lawsuit

This website allowed a women who was stalking me to put up untrue content trying to ruin my good name. I am unemployable and want this removed. This company should be sued by all their victims federally. The allow anyone to put up untrue information and slander your name. This is a defamation of character and is cyber bullying. This can cost innocent people their lives because they become unemployable. I had a stalker who had 10 fake post and profiles trying to be my friend. I had this person call my jobs to get me fired. This person called every family and friend I had harassing them. Than she decided she couldn’t get to me and put me on this website. This person stalking me is mentally unstable and can cause harm to me physically yet somehow my safety means nothing. I have contacted the website and the referred me to a company who charges allot of money to remove it. I believe they are finding ways to make money off of victims. I even contacted Haylee and they said the website has to be the one to remove it. This should be illegal. I am literal scared for my safety because she has followed me and had someone come to my house to do *** knows what. I really would like this resolved.

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