Shelby Barrett — Sarnia, Canada

This so-called “woman” right here is a Manipulating, lying, controlling, Narstatistic, two-faced cheating Sloot who thinks it’s okay to have random men at her place, use people then toss them away, and on to the next. This so-called woman lies to get what she wants. De shelby does not take care of her kids she pounds them off to everyone else. Shelby doesn’t let the father Jayy James see his 3 kids she holds them above his head. He loves his kids, supports his kids would do anything for them, kids! Yes, Jayy is tr@nsgender but DNA doesn’t make a parent love does. Shelby bashs tr@nsgenders. Shelby is just like her mother Tracy nasty and no good for anyone! Don’t trust a word from this “woman” mouth! also, be careful she doesn’t shower, she smells downstairs and does not get checked out. no one wants STDs! Beware?

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