Sheila Jane Balista — California

Sheila Jane Balista is the manager at Satellite Dialysis center in Watsonville CA. She is a married woman who cheats on her husband with Jamie Scott who also is the manager for the Satellite Dialysis center in Capitola, CA and who is 25 years older than her. Jamie Scott was also a married man who lived with his wife and child until this woman wrecked their marriage. Sheila lives a double life. Monday through Friday she sleeps and runs around like a ***** kalapating mababa ang lipad with this man. On the weekends she travels back to her husband who lives in Fresno, CA. He conveniently watches their son while she runs around like a single woman without obligation or commitment to her own family. In the eyes of her friends and her family she behaves like the most loving and faithful wife and mother to her 5 year old child . She even attends church services on Sundays . What a hypocrite! She is the most immoral deceitful person I have ever worked with. She really is a pagkabigo and a kahihiyan to our Philippino community.

17 thoughts on “Sheila Jane Balista — California

  1. Someone from work sent me this and wow look! Alicia Scott reposted this in this website because the other post she made became talk of the town! She deleted it because she realized She is so embarrassing to post **** like this. That’s what you get when you’re so hated at work. CHOMP hates you Alicia, not the people you’re hating gets the hate

  2. Bertha Alicia Scott from Community Hospital of Monterey Peninsula ICU is the most hated talked about nurse because of her own doing. This is embarrassing and it all went back to her. She is always on LOA because of her senior retiree age and when she’s at work, she doesn’t do anything but **** off people. Even other departments of this hospital knows her and all her garbage. 5 marriages and now she acts like a jealous ex who cannot move on? You don’t have credibility

  3. Alicia is a saggy bald piece of **** who claims government money from being off from work just to type up something like this. Yeah people hate you and not the people you’re trying to destroy you dumb ***

  4. I don’t know who reads this but everyday when I see Alicia at work I can’t understand how come that hot piece of *** Jamie Scott ever went with that granny Mexican skeleton ***. Good for Jamie to finally leave this baldy in the nursing home

  5. Overheard Alicia has been suspended for harassing Sheila and James. Not really on leave of absence for being injured

  6. Look, I have been working with Alicia for 10 years and has anybody noticed that she is wearing dentures. Her teeth are as real as the toothfairy himself.

  7. Hey dry prune Alicia, quit typing ****. Next surgery is carpal tunnel because you type long *** telenovelas that doesn’t make sense

  8. Wow Alicia has a 40 yr old? She was broadcasting she has a “kid” but someone said that was actually her grandkid. What’s wrong with this old insecure woman? Full of pretentiousness!

  9. Alicia is trying so hard to write filipino language here when it is so wrong grammatically. Who the **** are you fooling? Work people hates you and your ****, Alicia. You don’t have any credibility now.

  10. This 80 yr old bald Alicia took time off from work to stretch her face and come back looking like Mexican Michael Jackson

  11. Alicia you’re an RN but you do things **** like this that is way worst than someone who didn’t go to school

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