Shawn Hauber — Broke Junkie Woman Beater

Ladies and gentlemen meet Shawn Hauber. A degenerate druggie little weasel who steals from stores right in front of his kids and pops pills like skittles. Its a wonder how he is even allowed to have custody of his kids when he is such a waste of skin. You can totally tell by his photos what kind of pond scvm he is. A lowlife earthworm who is always broke and high on drugs around his kids. Cant even keep a minimum wage job for more.than a.few.months before he gets fired and he has a history of stalking his exes. Drinks every day around his kids and calls them down. His children wonder why daddys alwys drunm Maybe he knows hes a useless pile of trash with no drive or self esteem. I mean just look at him lol. This ***** talks tough via the internet but is too scared to try and bully any man because he knows he will get bodied. He physically and mentally abuses women and preys on them for their money and place to live. This scrawny pasty skinned little inbred was confronted by a real man and quickly went into ***** mode and all of a sudden became this scared little beta **** who ran instead of the tough talking macho alpha douche he portrays to women. Remember this punchable face and if you see him in public dont hesistate to call him out for the abusive insecure lowlife drunk *** that he is. Shawn Hauber everyone.

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