Sharron Archer — Indiana

She a Floozy! Or a female floozy as she likes to call herself .sleeping with all kinds of men married men that keep coming back for her. She secretly was texting a married married man on his separate phone that his wife didn’t know about .they where telling each other they love each other and talking about sexual content. and what they wanted to do to each other. the wife found the phone and questioned the gentleman about it. and then contacted De Sharon about it. and told Sharron to quit sleeping with her husband and texting. and she kept sleeping with the lady’s husband. To get Louis Vuitton shoes .she spends more times with Her legs up in the air than actually wearing the shoes .there’s not one scuff mark on the shoes cause she only wears them to put over her head . And to top it all off she has a husband that she is telling everybody that they are separated . But she makes very good money according to her and doesn’t want to stop spreading her legs for men.

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