Sharonda Jolly — Alabama

She is a liar, stalker and has had numerous reports on her for harassing and stalking people.
She went to jail in 1998 on a crack cocaine drug charge.She has created multiple fake facebook and social media profiles to try and talk to her targets “friends” and get information to harass and stalk them.She suffers from severe paranoia because of all of the self inflicted things she’s done in the past to people and the multiple lies and lives she tries to live. She sleeps with multiple people and can never keep her lies and stories straight. She has serious mental and emotional issues.

1 thought on “Sharonda Jolly — Alabama

  1. SMDH 😉Wow ************! It’s been 14 years since I dumped your stupid *** and you’re still at it! My love life is fine I love who I’m with the same man since I left your dumbass alone. And I’m happy, So, go jump off a f****** Bridge CASPER!

    You’ve been a federal agent for many years you should know better than to do some of the f*****-up stupid s*** that you do. Mind you keep it up and your *** might be in prison with them same motherfukers that you put there so quit f****** with me. ******* Obsessed Crazy Stalker!

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