Sharon Bess — McAlester, Oklahoma

She and my husband works together at Osp and been talking snack to each other. She sending him nude pics of herself with her finger in her nasty twot. And he went to her house a hour and half away from our home to sleep with the nasty *****. He is still there to this day. He left a family and wife that will love him to no end for a white trash ****. Her name is Stephanie Meno on fb but her married name that she works under is Oldham. WOW.. She is 6 yrs younger the he is. Must be lime sleeping with his daughter. I hope they enjoy their time while they can cuz karma is coming ur way really fast. And I know ur not gonna like it. I will show both of u that u messed with the wrong wife and her man. She lives in sallisaw ok and drives to Mcalester ok to work at Osp. She was talking to him bout them getting a new home together in hayleyville ok that there is a nice one there they can live in and it has to be by the lake. WOW.. I had to live with his mom. Now this ***** is getting **** that he said he gave me everything I ever wanted.. Yeah right Jossph Bess ur a cheater and a lier. And she’s a sluty scanky nasty no respect for herself gold digger *****. And here she is. Nude and all so if that’s not to be on here please let me know and I will remove that pic. Thank u kindly I also talked to her husband and she done nothing but cheated on him the whole time they was together

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