Shantil Reid — Medford, Oregon

This ***** can post 1million and one selfies a day as if the worlds never seen a ***** before, ya seen one ya seen em all. Not only does she think shes gods gift she thinks shes the female version of Pablo Escobar …lol she thinks shes a top dog baller ***** when all she is is a tweeked out liar and a down right ***** on top of a terrible mother…she is so ditsy and straight stupid so stupid i feel sorry for the retarded *****. . . ***** ya live in lala land where ballers work on there knees ya dumb ***** there isnt a guy in this town who hasnt ****** ya your nothing special ***** so get over yourself get some preperation h for those bags under your eyes gain alittle wieght youd loo less like the tails from the crypt….get a clue ***** your a survival tool more like just a tool, you always second best how dooes it feel to have to have a sack just to get him there your a ***** a rebound he didnt keep you the first time he wont keep you this time …ball hard lol i mean fall hard on your face *****.

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