Shane Orgill — Edmonton, Canada

Ladies meet Shane Orgill, he’s married doesn’t tell you that, you get to find out later that she is just as unhinged as he is .. This guy seems to be nice acts nice and caring, but soon you get to see his charming personality. What he admits to is chilling enough to every logical person out there. De He is a control freak, you have *** with the guy suddenly your property to him, he gets into your phone and soon he’s looking at your friend’s list and deleting people off your phone and Facebook. Doesn’t get the word No He told me this story of how his x fiancee would set up accounts on Facebook and claim them to be someone else all because she wanted a woman and couldn’t have her cause she said no to her. She really tried to make the guy’s life a miserable **** and would get ****** off when he showed up to the court to fight her. she even crossed the line and told him to go commit suicide at west Edmonton mal he never did thank ***. Shane blamed his fiancee for all of it. when it comes to *** good *** he is smaller than a pickle and then tried to tell me he couldn’t get me pregnant because he had one ball. Bullsh1t. I told Shane that he was dead, he was out that door and I was blocked on his cell phone and Facebook quite fast. Then I find out he’s on Facebook under and I tried to tell him he needs to step up and be a man and be a responsible Dad, I got blocked. while he was busy at the altar saying I do to his crazy fiancee I was in labor since midnight of Oct 5, 2019. I gave birth to my daughter on Oct 6 2019 1 30 pm at 8 pounds 9 ounces. Shane Orgill will never get to be part of his daughter’s life,

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