Shanaz Shah — California

*This is not a story about infidelity. This is a story about deceit and, (if you want to call it), stalking. I am submitting this as a cautionary tale warning people to make sure they know exactly who they are talking to.*This weird 24-year-old lives in West Los Angeles. She goes by several names. She lives with her child under her parents’ roof, and takes advantage of the DPSS when she doesn’t even take care of her child. When I met her, I knew from the start that she was nuts. To clarify, I only saw her as an acquaintance, and all my interactions with her happened through friends of friends. As time went by she tried harder and harder to pry into my personal life and turn people against me. I had nothing against her and have no clue why she targeted me for her weird actions, but she does these things often according to neighbors and many other people who know her.It started off with her always trying to be right next to me whenever we were talking in the same group. There would be several others around to talk to, yet when I stepped a couple feet away from the group she would follow me. And when we sat down, she’d sit next to me, pressing the side of her body against mine as I was against the wall. She’d get in my personal space whenever I was at the same party/place she was. I wouldn’t say anything because I didn’t want to be mean. I think she’s a closeted lesbian.She would always pretend that we were best friends. She would say she have my back and such, but I took this with a grain of salt as I barely talked to her outside our friend group, and I knew relationships weren’t her strong point. I just played along knowing that we aren’t really friends, and she always had some sort of animosity towards me. My friends would constantly come up to me with new bs from her and all the shade/insults she threw at me behind my back. I never confronted her about these things because I knew she would just lie

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