Seung “James” Lee — California

I met my EX online February 2018, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Our relationship was perfect in the beginning. We were young and very much in love but it started to deteriorate. He began to ask me for money and stole money from me. I found out later he had a serious gambling problem. Seung had such a serious gambling problem that he took out credit cards in his Mother’s name and ran u around $40, 000 in debt in his family’s name. So much so that it caused his family to lose their home and they moved into an apartment. Seung’s Father was so angry that he kicked him out and disowned him but his Mother the sweet soul she was didn’t turn her back on him. Seung came to me for help and I did allow him back in my home temporarily but the trust was shattered and I decided it was best he find solace and help from agencies so I connected him *** h agencies that helped the homeless and they set him up with food stamps and put him up somewhere. We stayed in contact and Seung actually obtained a job. I didn’t know it but found out later Seung had a warrant for previous theft and a minor theft years ago. We stayed apart for sometime and Seung contacted me January 2018 and we briefly were back together and a few months later he disappeared. Once again we went our separate ways for no apparent reason this time. Seung contacted me again in August 2018. He had changed he didn’t seem like the innocent boy i once knew but I still had feelings for him. He told me that yes a lot had changed in him he had gotten into a really bad fight with his brother and it brought out a mean streak in him. He also told me about all the women he had dated when he wasn’t with me. I never asked he just offered the information and we were completely honest with one another. In particular he told me about a Korean girl he dated that was a friend of one of his good friends, that this friend had introduced him and this Korean girl. She was really messy and Seung always took the blame for it at his Parents place. They broke up on really bad terms. Later he found out, through FaceBook, that she had married that friend that had introduced them and they had two children together; he said he was so shocked and hurt because it was crazy. It seemed like we were back on track to a life we both had always wanted with each other but one that we had to grow up and experience separately to obtain together. I couldn’t imagine a life without Seung because we were so connected. I thought we would always be together. He had finally become a man, he was working hard, no longer gambling and took me out and always paid. I loved to cook and would cook for him frequently and he loved it. Then suddenly something bad happened and I decided to leave to Vegas for awhile. I had no idea then but that was the breaking point for Seung. Seung had cheated on me several times but I had no idea he was still cheating on me. When I went to Vegas he became angry although he claimed he would follow me anywhere in the world and I believed it even though it was far from the truth. Seung came to visit me several times in Vegas in late 2012 and early 2013. Little did I know it but he had met someone named Sue and she was already pregnant with his first child. A strange coincidence because Seung and I had talked about having children and getting married when I was in Vegas and we tried to get pregnant but he’d get cold feet. He’d say let’s get married and then leave. I was confused and hurt over and over by him. I think Seung was addicted to ***. I don’t even believe he ever loved me. Well I left Vegas after 8 months to go back to CA and he and I talked about reuniting in July 2013. This month, I later found out, was the month his new wife gave birth to his first child a Son. When I got back to CA Seung would not see me. We talked constantly and made plans and he’d get cold feet and say things and later it was like he didn’t remember it or ignored it. I thought he was suffering from Schizophrenia. The nightmare finally reached it’s breaking point. We never talked again. I decided after over a year in May 2014 to reach to him, to simply see how he was doing. I looked on his FaceBook and saw an ultrasound and it hit me; he was having a child. I texted his phone, late, like I used to expecting no answer expecting really that he changed his number. But I got a response the next day from someone who did not sound like him. It was his wife JungMin aka Sue. She was angry and nasty and knew all about me and yes admitted to dating him for years. She was pregnant with his second child, a girl. She became so irate and belligerent I quit texting only to have none other than Seung himself text me, which I ignored. Then he called which I ignored. Then he texted me desperately asking me to pick up so I did. Big mistake. He said Sue left with his Mom. He sounded anxious and desperate. He asked me how serious I was with whomever I was and that he wanted to pick me up to have lunch. I kept telling him bad idea. We hung up. He started texting me and telling me how much he missed me and loved me. He desperately wanted to marry me. He kept asking me if I loved him and I replied yes you were my first and last love and he seemed satisfied with this. I was shocked that he would even tell me that Sue wasn’t really his wife. But this was the same Seung I knew I had heard all of this before and I knew it was lies but I played along. Later that night when I was asleep he called several times and texted me demanding me to pick up. He kept saying he loved me. “I f****** love you, please pick up” is what he said. So when I woke up the next morning I texted him and his wife texted me back and she was acting “nice” I knew something was wrong and I felt like I had been pulled into some sick game. We chatted it up and talked and talked, while she claimed he was in the shower and I felt like no he’s sitting there right with you. I kept trying to end the convo and she’d say oh he’s still in the shower. I just didn’t know what to think of it. So after we hung up I had my number changed and later that day I decided hey I probably should block him on FaceBook and alas he beat me to it he blocked me. So I sent him one last email to literally say good-bye and that we shouldn’t have any further contact and cringe he emailed me back saying I was stalking him and he had changed his number. That was the end of it and oddly he did me the same way that Korean girl had did him it was so strange. I know now that he never loved me. I was just a pawn like so many other pawns in his life. All the time I knew him he never bought me a gift ever, I never met his family but Sue bragged about how Seung paid for everything and the family had been brought together because of the fact that she had Seung’s first children and his Parents first grand-children. Seung is Korean and I am non-Korean and I believe this was a source of conflict for him. Seung is impulsive and although his wife is the jealous type and very controlling I do believe he still cheats.

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