Sergio Esparza — El Paso, Texas

So my friend worked with me at a hospital in El Paso as a CNA. Totally in love and faithful to his wife. He has his best man over for a BBQ I was supposed to go to. Non of us from the hospital could make it out. All of his wife’s friends go over. Well that day Sergio had been doing pepsi and drinking. Apparently already awake for 3 days. So at the end of the night all her friends are on some sort of substance and my buddy is sober taking care of people and cleaning. Goes to check on Sergio. Find his wife with sergiios hand in her shirt. Then a few nmin later he is not breathing no pulse . So my buddy started CPR! Got him back to life. Two weeks later Sergio takes off with my buddies wife and cheat! Shaddy and ungrateful..

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