Serenity Lea Schuyler — Idaho

Boise Idaho. Be aware that getting close to this absolutely insane, empty sack of rotting flesh will cause you utter turmoil. Serenity Lea is the craziest b**** you’ll ever meet- but you probably won’t realize that at first. She makes herself out to be a perfect little hippie with endless love for everything and everyone on the planet- however, as you get closer, you’ll hopefully come to realize that’s only part of her grooming process.She won’t hesitate to f*** you over the first chance she gets, whether that means manipulating your own beliefs, actions, and words or taking a child under her wing and f****** its head up for the rest of its life. She’ll steal your belongings- no matter how meaningful they are to you- and will end up selling them for her own gain only to turn around and deny the fact she took your s*** to begin with. All she ever does is lie and deceive- especially to those that are closer to her, using her manipulation to try and skew your own perception of reality. She’ll empty your pockets with an even emptier promise of it being returned, as well as attempt to rob you of your dignity and self-worth as she wants to make you dependent on your friendship/relationship with her- the ultimate goal being to make you her puppet and control your life as a whole. She’s made attempts to uproot people’s lives so as to isolate them from everything they know in order to become reliant on her “friendship’ and “love”. Serenity believes she’s the most intelligent, enlightened person in the world and therefore becomes enraged if a decision is made by someone else that she even vaguely doesn’t agree with. She’ll even get close to your friends and family in hopes of exploiting her relationship with them, attempting to make your loved ones believe you’re a terrible human being as soon as something you do is not done her way- even if she did the exact thing she’s throwing a fit about last week!

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