— No Refrigerator Still Not Fix

Our refrigerator/freezer hasn’t been working properly in weeks. On 1/20/2020 I called Sears to have someone come out and look at it. The unit is under warranty so Sears would do the services for free. Someone couldn’t come until 1/29/2020, meaning we essentially had a fridge that barely kept foods safely cold for another 9 days. On 1/29/2020 someone from Sears came out and replaced the compressor. Once he left we went grocery shopping, assuming it was fixed. We were wrong. Whatever he did made it worse. Now the unit doesn’t cool at all and that food all went bad. We called again for service that couldn’t come out until 2/8. On 2/7 Sears called to say they couldn’t come out as scheduled because the employee had a personal issue. The nearest date they could give us was 2/14. That means we will have had a completely non-functioning fridge/freezer for over two weeks. We are getting by with a small little fridge and a cooler filled with ice we buy every day.

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