Sean Skillicorn — Chandler, Arizona

Stay clear of this lying scum of the Earth, Sean M. Skillicorn. He is a massive parasite. Will charm, manipulate, rob and confuse. Very quick to discard anyone who catches on to his tactics. He is a highly functioning alcoholic and opioid addict. Uses his job location for his drug hookup and regularly drinks while on the clock. Typically works in the signage industry. Fled from the company he stole from in Atlanta and then moved onto take advantage of another company in Buckeye, AZ. He’s known for using women for his own benefit, to secure a home and vehicle for use because he can’t take care of himself. He is a Master Con Artist and Manipulator. Displays incredible superficial charm. Could not speak the truth if the universe depended on it. He has abandoned all of his children physically, emotionally, and financially. He makes children intentionally and runs from all his obligagions. Its sad that monsters like this even exist!!!

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