Scott Russo — California

Long time Unwritten Law fan but biggest ex-fan of Scott Russo. Me and my boys grew up on that **** they were blink 182 before blink 182 were blink 182. You can’t fault Russo for his musical ability but I’ve discovered a few things that have really blown it for me. Legends tell it that the real reason Unwirtten Law Broke up, when Steve and PK left the band was because Russo sucker punched Steve on a tour and almost killed him. Steve quit the band and PK followed. Then Dylan the drummer eventually left too because Russo is a psycho. Pretty sure Russo is now getting his *** sued by the old band members for damages I for sure would. I heard he hits chics and that he’s a real fukin douch bag. I feel for him man cos he’s probably still chasin hiz fame from th 90’s. *** I miss the 90’s. I know he cheats on chicks but pretty sure that goes with the territory. Ive heard he **** whatever he sees and I mean whatever he see but he’s daughter hot tho ha ha. So Ive been skating since way back when D Way was with XYZ so I’ve always been a big fan and it looks like he took dannys chick. I know him and D Way goes way back its hella sh1tty and pretty sure DW gave Russo a house when his house burned down. So *** that dude. Music might be good but he’s a piece of ****. Just remember that next time u listen or wanna buy a ticket.

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