Scott Pettinger – Kansas

He lives in osawatomie with a female named Melissa Allison who also goes by Melissa Shaffer which Scott also uses that last name on many date sites he uses Scott Shaffer he has women move to osawatomie KS to be with him he has no job he uses women for their money and pays the bills for Melissa Allison at 904 south st osawatomie KS who when he claims to be at work nights is who he is with besides the many other women and men he has that meets him in that town at motels which he has you pay for and promises to stay with you put will get calls to go to “WORK” and never comes back it will be one excuse after another he has many people in debt when he leaves them he lies and cheats and if you were ever with him you may want to get checked he has many children by many different women that he does not claim and has unpaid child support in the amount way over 90000 be careful with this one he uses women to pay Melissa Allisons bills

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