Scott Pettinger — Kansas

This man is on many dating sites he is a womanzer he uses women to pay bills at a trailer where he has a woman named Melissa Allison aka Melissa Shaffer he has them get him phones and he uses their cars to drive her around when they think hes at work which by the way he has no job he is the father to many children which none he has supported and owes over 90000 in back child support and also has NO DRIVER’S LICENSES for none payment he will still from you so that Melissa has what she needs claims to other women that she is his sister and she will claim they are only friends and hasn’t had *** with each other which is a lie you can go by their house at 904 south street in osawatomie Kansas to see for your self ladies be very careful he has domestic violence on his record for beating on an ex he claims his daughter died but she is alive and doing very well just know he is a cheater and a lier and a thief and he also has *** with men for money he is also on drugs (meth) so be very very careful with him he will use you

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