Savanna Bystrom — Abbotsford, Canada

Dirty, disgusting, insecure ***** with no morals, self respect, or standards. Not to be trusted. Looking for a free ride through life. Can’t do anything without a man. If you’re looking for a cheap date and a guarantee happy ending this ***** is for you. Not wifey material at all, will sleep with anyone for a drink or weed. She is a money hungry gold digging ***** who will probably give you STD while she sleeps with your friends. Shes so crazy she goes out of her way to start drama with innocent people and than plays the victim, shes so obssessed with her exs that she will try to pry into their new relationships and manipulate the situations and than screen shot only things that make her look innocent while the other people look like the jerks than share on her instagram platform for more attention. This girl has no sense of privacy everything she does she posts about it online, we get it your a gross ***** close your legs nobody cares to know how many hot dogs have been down your hallway. Shes such a shady person she cheated on her long term boyfriend with his best friends yes, friends not just one and she doesnt ever use condoms….. gross quit spreading your STDS floozy. This low life has nothing good going on in her life so she tries and demean other people so she can feel superior and better about herself.Get a real job not selling nudes or being the townhall pass around and Go pay some real money and get your dye-job trash blonde fixed youre not fooling anyone with those sh1tty roots and brassy hair.

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