Saralynn Spriggs — Kingston, Canada

This chick is about the worst there is. First off she has three children and cant even try to raise any of them. Her mother adopted her daughter because she could not be bothered. The father of her oldest son has coustody of him becuse she choose to give him and everything else up to run around with a known drug dealer, do drugs and live in a cabin with no running water. she thought this was great till she ended up pregnant with her youngest. who the system has removed from her care worst is she only cares cause she wants his money. She knew for months about her pregnancy but choose to keep it a secret so she could continue to do drugs with her boyfriend/drug dealer. probably part of the reason the kids under weight. As soon as her boyfriend started talking about moving for work to save moey for there child she caused him to go off the road killing him instintly. Now she uses it as her poor pitty card. Her son was born with witdrawl symptoms she pawned him off with anyone who would take him why robbing and stealing from anyone and everyone who tried to help her. She cheats and sleeps around on everyone she ever been with even tried to tell her ex he was the father of the baby just to get her hand on his money as if her first son family allowence was not enough considering she has no problem recieving it but not even calling to see how he is doing. thank *** for her ex he was smart enough to get a DNA test. she then start dating a chick but dont get me wrong she was still getting more **** then half the valley put together, brags about it like its somthing to be proud of and then blames everyone else when it blows up in her face. threaten to kill herself when people have enough of her ****. Now she lost her baby due to her drug use and reckless behavior thank *** for that baby sake he ended up with a great couple even thogh she rather him end up with people she dont know and that dont love him like the couple raising him. She nothing but drama, she robs you blind then looks you in the eyes and swears it was not her even when there noone else to blame my best advise stay away! She will only use you and leave you with one massive case of drd.

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