Sarah Kauff – Maryland

If you ever meet this scum online….run away! She not only has slept with a few married men, but she also led a man to believe her daughter was his for 4 years when she knew he wasn’t her real father. She was sleeping around with at least 5 men at one time…maybe more. de, She even laughed and joked through text with her friend about it. She is manipulative, narcissistic, lying, stealing, cheating pieces of garbage. Watch out for yourself and run if you ever come in contact with her

2 thoughts on “Sarah Kauff – Maryland

  1. Yea this B is total trash. I hear she is pregnant again….by the married man she was cheating with (who has 3 kids with his wife) and she doesn’t even work and cannot support the child she already has who she doesn’t know the baby daddy of. She tried (or did) mess with my man when we were friends too.

  2. BETH you’re 100% right about this woman. She is a homewrecker. The woman who has three children I feel so bad for her because she didn’t deserve this This B should know not to mess with married men. The women who has three kids I know personally. She has job, goes to school for her 2nd degree, has a car, supports all of those babies without her ex husbands help, and lives in her own home. They deserve each other. Trash loves trash.

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