Sarah Jane Harper — Ottawa, Canada

She sticks her nose where it doesn’t belong.. so let’s spill the tea. Sarah is lying to her current boyfriend lee and his family, saying her kid is his .. but she has even admitted his dad isn’t even white. That kid gets darker by the day, Sarah. Sarah has had more kills than Paris Hilton, walking around like she’s top **** when in reality, she’s struggling on welfare yet judges those who are successful. Keep begging your worker for food, bvmmy broke floor. You’re a joke. Hop on a treadmill and respect yourself, maybe guys will actually treat you well. Her boyfriend posts how high he is on drugs when he has a BABY in the house. They’re both crackhead losers that have nothing better to do than start drama. Living with rats and drinking like fish. I feel so bad for your son, Sarah. De he doesn’t stand a chance with parents like you. You need mental and addiction help ASAP. An alcoholic that bashes her boyfriend for his weed and hash addiction. Pathetic.?

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