Sara St Lewis — Hamilton, Canada

So I’m sure many of you have heard of this nasty sloot ! And I’m here just to clear the facts because I recently seen someone post up something on Snapchat and on Facebook about “a mom who is drinking and pregnant” and the reaction was 5 people thinking it was Sara .. now all do so many people think this ? Lmao ! Because Sara did go out to hess cause I was there that night and she drank at her ex boyfriends launch party ! She was banging 3 dudes before her babydad came out of jail and who knows who she pregnant with ***** ! She’s a ***** and don’t care about no one but herself ! I got a message on Instagram from 2 guys .. it was more of a group chat saying Sara was at the bar and dudes be buying her drinks and she was accepting them she is what 7 months pregnant now ? Wtf are you doing girl ! That’s sick! Your poor child is in danger ! Nobody else wants to say it but it needs to be said Sara stop DRINNKKING WHILE YOUR PREGNANT ITS NOT THE RIGHT THING YOU FILTHY ***** !! Sara works at honest lawyer and I was just there about 2 weeks ago and I saw her taking a drink 🤣 or a shot who knows but you need to fix your **** ***** before that child is taken ! Smarten up and wait till your child is born to drink a bottle !! I’ve had over 5 people Ask me if it’s sara why does everyone think it’s her huh ? And why do so many guys claim to have bought her drinks as well smh go home to your mom and kid and stop being a drinking ***** boo boo . Bye huns 😉

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