Sara Rochelle Brenner — Vancouver, Canada

Hey De, meet this fine piece of s#$t!! This is Sara, who is a famous floozy. She comes down to Kelowna every weekend for her floozy work. She keeps telling me and other friends of her that she is going for work purpose, and we found out just recently that her real job is sleeping around for money. We even heard that she steals money from her clients. Her sister thinks that she has a real job but they don’t know what she has been doing all this time. She is always high on pepsi and keeps trying to sell it to all her friends. Infact she got few girls in Quebec who got addicted coz of her. And her visits to the hospital every other day is not fooling us anymore, she got bad drd’s from someone and now is trying to hide. Sara, I told you as a friend to stop your dirty deeds or else I will tell everyone your story, but you never listened.

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