Sara Christianson — Lone Rock, Wisconsin

Sara, formerly known as the Lone Rock Wh***, is “oh so happily married” to her husband, who in my opinion should have thrown her to the curb like the trash she is but he’s a great guy and is working through it with her. “It” being sneaking around with a man who, known by her, has a family and a son on the way with his long time fiancé. Sara waits till her hubby is away for the National Guard and invites her new “babe” over, not only around hers and her husbands kids but her whole **** family because shes that careless about her wh*reish ways. Kissing, sexting, sending him “good morning babe” texts while he’s waking up next to his fiancé, this no good trash can even has the ***** to go on her new “babes” fiancées Facebook and “like” pictures of him, HIS daughter AND his fiancée pregnant belly. As if everyone in the small town she grew up in doesn’t know exactly what she’s doing behind her hardworking husbands back and making herself look like a cocky b**ch. Beware, she has literally no conscious. She was actually shocked when her side piece told her to leave him alone and that she was nothing but a mistake and doesn’t care about her. As if she was ever a legitimate part of his life besides some entertainment while times were hard, like she actually stood a chance with him. She doesn’t care who knows, even her poor husband! She’ll keep up the sick games and send these “sexy” pictures to anyone who will give her the time of day. We’re talking a straight sociopath when it comes to relationships and respect.

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