Sara Berry — Ottawa, Canada

Sara Berry Damaged Sloot. THIS *** lol she is known as the nasty floozy who pees on men. She puts other women down when they are perfect the way they are. She got a bad lip filling and a **** job because she is not happy with herself. She constantly throws herself at men if they have money and use them up dry. She cheats on her fiance at the strip club in [REDACTED], ditches ALL 3 of her YOUNG kids so she can go get high at the club on Xanax and other drugs it is so sad she has babies she CANNOT take care of. not to mention she only has her grade 7 education. She has the most awful attitude and thinks the world owes her. De beware you might catch the clap if you get too close! Don’t be caught by this venus flytrap.?

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