Sara Abrantes & Jason Lewis Nichols — Chatham-Kent, Canada

Yes, Sarah and Jayson deserve each other. They both cheated on each other. They also cheat the government. They lie to welfare about income made. Jason even held a full-time job to which she was terminated. He failed to provide the company with the social insurance number. Feels that no company deserves that information so he doesn’t have to clear the income to welfare or the government. Every chance he gets he cheats on his wife. Mind you she does the same thing whenever he’s gone she has a different guy over. They also choose their luxuries overfeeding their kids. They don’t deserve them as well. They lie to everybody about everything. Jason gets in trouble it was Sarah’s fault Sarah told me I had to do it. It’s always Sarah’s fault he never takes responsibility for his own actions. And whenever there’s a problem at the house it’s always his fault. I’m leaving the day children’s aid in the government catches up to these two. They will lose their kids everything. Could use a new TV overfeeding your kids I think is low. I believe CHILD&A needs to get more involved with him before they hurt their kids severely as he is spanked hard enough to leave bruises. These two need a life lesson for him to grow up

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