Santana Hamilton — Brampton, Canada

she changes everything but her first name, all the time so she won’t be recognized. She ruined my life. Married me, beat me, then accused me of beating her. She’s fuking psychotic. She would attack me, my friends, my family — anyone who wasn’t willing to listen to me or believe me. Whether physically or by trying to ruin their lives or businesses-she would do it and do it HARD. She threatened all my friendships, and said if I didn’t do what she asked, she’d kill them or me. It was traumatizing. She was the villain in my fairy tale. She was trying to do anything and everything to ruin my life, and my friends’ lives. I couldn’t stop her. She was absolutely psychotic — she threw a full pepsi can at my fan, and carved her nails down my face — all while accusing me of being the abuser. I tried to protect her, but there was nothing I could do right, when she was saying that I was beating her. I had very few friends help get me out of the relationship, and now I’m fighting for a divorce and she wants to get back together. She says she loves me, and she’ll do anything to convince me of it — but she’s just calling because she knows I’ll listen to her. She’s trying to ruin my life, and has ruined my friends’ lives as well. It’s been a bad experience all around — but she still won’t leave me be. Even though she slept with countless men while we were together, and kept blaming me for infidelity, it was her cheating and sleeping around all the time. She ruined my life, and my friends’ lives. She’s a horrible person. She tried to convince me to kill myself, and tried to convince my friends to do the same. No one was willing to — but she kept pressuring them to ‘give up’ and ‘kill themselves’.

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