Sandy Harrison — Vancouver, Canada

This **** was married to my best friend for 18 years. They have one kid and he worked 6-7 days a week so they could have a nice house. A year ago he told me men were calling his house asking for her and when he asked who they were they either hung up or said she was a friend. When he confronted her about it she said she had no idea who it was . Like a love struck fool he believed her. But, I started googling her name and found her on facebook with a different account than the one her family and friends saw. It was all men on her friends list and comments on meeting and how much they liked her. It was like a diary of who and when she was meeting these men. I told my buddy what I found and he showed her Facebook page to her with all the comments from men. She didn’t even deny it, she was caught red handed and he was smart enough to divorce her big ***. I see she still has her Facebook page and is still slutting it up showing off her fat ***. This tramp is not wife or gf material. She’s a cheating ho that doesn’t just cheat with one guy but anyone that gives her attention.

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