Sandra Van Dyk — Calgary, Canada

This is Sandra Van Dyk a compulsive liar who shown me as many multiple personalities as the shades of yellow in her teeth. She creates a hostile work environment and is constantly making racist comments behind her supervisor’s backs. She calls Asian residents “chinks” and laughs about wanting to send indigenous residents down the river. She brags about using racial slurs to a black parking attendant. De she is a maniac and homophobe who smells like onions while chomping and slurping loudly all day. This woman will pretend to help you then be a backstabbing ***** who will criticize you for anything. She told all her co-workers about an STD she got from a sanitation worker in a vacant apartment then thought someone was going to report it so she said she was just joking. Then she said she would file a sexual harassment report against that person if they did. De she’s belittling and dishonest. Her finest talent is fabricating the sharpest lies to her boss while playing the victim. When she doesn’t get her way she completely loses her mind and lies about you.

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