Sandra Kistener — Rental Scam

I have been looking for a house for me and my children when I RECIEVED a message on Facebook messenger from a lady named Maria Joyce. She said she had a 3 bedroom house for rent for 1200 a month but she would lower the rent to 900 for me since I liked the house so much. Up on me doing further research into the place it was for rent on the rental app Zillow but it said that there were tenants that still lived there and it wouldn’t be available until may. When I asked her about this she assured me that she had evicted the other tenants early and I could move in whenever I wanted since I was getting rental assistance from the state. When it came time to give my caseworker information on where to send the paper work the name on messenger was different than what she gave me the name and email she gave me to give my caseworker was Sandra kistener and the email was Up on further investigation I drove by the house late one night after getting off work and there was tenants still living in the house I let my caseworker know and I am continuing my search

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