Samuel Marrero — Dallas, Texas

Meet Samuel Marrero located here in Dallas, TX. I have known this man for many years as I have watched him slowly manipulate and lie his way through life. When I met Samuel and his ex wife he seemed like a normal person until I truly started to piece everything together. The man is a pathological. I don’t even know where to begin so I guess it will be with his bogus PhD he loves to bloat about until his wife finally called the school and realized he was lying about that all of these years. His Linkedin is full of lies about how he worked at Google (during the time I knew him well, he was NOT working at google) and worked at Accenture for 3 years. Funny thing, I saw him add Accenture to his Linkedin about 6 months back as he just started and now it magically says 3+ years of employment and overlaps the dates from Google. I only know this as I gather information for his ex wife randomly to help her document. The guy doesn’t pay child support for any of his children. The first wife took the kids away due to his alcoholism, lies and temper. All he had to do to get the kids back was seek counseling, which he never did. With the most recent ex wife he rarely sees the kids and cancels all of the time making up lies that hes on travel for “work” or the band he plays with out of Poland. One time his ex wife sent me creepy videos of him dancing for his children. He looked 90lbs as he has an eating disorder and shows midriff in one video. I will attach a creepy screenshot from these videos. What else? OH! He has another wife he is probably already sucking dry. He is a master at lying and does research to back up his lies so I am sure she believes everything. Poor lady. He’s an “entrepreneur” and claims he has started and sold many companies, including “Marrero Brewing” but got him and his ex wife evicted from 2 apartments in the short time I knew them, car’s repossessed etc. One time he cut her off from the bank account and left her stranded without gas with her children in the car. Man, my list can go on. To sum up my crazy long story, SAMUEL MARRERO IS A CON ARTIST, pathological liar, awful father and a loser. Period. I truly hope his new wife realizes who he is before he ruins her life. **as for the pictures I am attaching you can see he started the video with his shirt on and then unbuttons it** this was for his children!!!

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