Samantha Stenson — East Brunswick, New Jersey

There’s this chick named Samantha Stenson and believe me she is the definition of a homewrecker. She lives in East Brunswick, New Jersey. Her usual M.O. is trying to get men to be with her and leave their wives. She cannot stand to be ignored or rejected. Once she is she starts stalking, harassing, will go to great lengths such as telling lied and trying to convince both sides of the family that they really want to be with her when they don’t, has bought burner cell phones in order to pretend to be other people so that she can start problems with the guy’s wife/girlfriend. I and my husband situation got so bad we got a restraining order!! My husband always refused to give in to her tricks which is what would make her so angry. Beware of this chick if you see her, even the police have told us that she is a psycho!!

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