Salvatore Iabichella — California

Salvatore Iabichella is a well known drug addict. He uses cocaine, pills, meth, heroine and is an alcoholic. He steals from family, friends and employers to sustain his drug habit. His credit is bad and he used his ex wife for her good credit and her ability to rent but still cheated. Now she left him and he has to run back to his mommy for help. His mom has taken care of him through this life Her son is a drug addict and uses her but she doesn’t allow it as much as she used to. His family is aware of the loser he is. He can’t keep a job and has no education, no assets, only debt. He claims he was a soccer super start in Mexico(he worked in a mexico hotel). The funny part is the story he tells people about being lost at sea for a number of days. The funniest lie you will ever hear. He told the story to his mom when he came back s*** on and ****** on after a drug relapse and hasn’t stopped telling the story since.

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