Sahithi Chandupatla Criminal H1B Texas

Sahithi Chandupatla working in Dallas Texas CVS, married to Vipin Musthyala living in the United States is immigrant fraud criminal from India. Musthyala family, absconded India murdering investors looting crores of money from Investors from India never paid back. They own Acto Pharma in India & owe 4 crores to Investors. Changed phone contact, email absconded to the US with fake passports, visas & still owes over 4 crores, millions to Investors. Note to all employees, de, Please DO NOT HIRE this criminal, our attorney has submitted affidavits to ICE, USCIS for deportation. We have been trying to settle the balance, we will now go after their wives & children until the FAMILY is completely destroyed & deported!! Vipin Musthyala Vishal Musthyala are criminal immigrants, fraud on H1B currently in the US

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