Sabrina Kascheyen — Corinth, Mississippi

Sabrina looks innocent as ****, right? WRONG! She befriends people just to take their men or sleep with them. She’s a lying, vile MARRIED woman who slept with countless people through her job at a grocery store. When renovating, she slept with the workers. She slept with and took her own friend/co-worker’s man and had an open relationship with him even as her and the chick worked together! She’s sleeping with numerous people, including some 40 year old man that’s married with kids. I’ve spoken to many women who are ****** off at her and she never goes anywhere besides with her men and to work because she knows people are out to get her. Watch your man, Corinth. Because if he goes in this store (I can’t put the name because I work there also) and she has a few free minutes with no manager up front, her *** can and will talk to your man! SHE IS A LYING NASTY WH*RE WITH NO FRIENDS!

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