Rylie Sattler — Vernon, Canada

Watch out ladies for Rylie Sattler he mentally abuses a woman and will cheat and go on tinder behind your back he will make you feel worthless like you don’t matter at all no matter how hard you try at anything he will never think it’s good enough he will push you under the dirt until you feel like a nobody he will constantly call you mean names. In All of his relationships, he will treat the girl good at first then the truth comes out about this guy and he shows his true colors. He thinks he’s Mr. know it all and wants everything his way and thinks he’s so much better than anyone else. De he also gets a red rash on his Greg *** knows what that is so ladies I highly suggest don’t take off your pants for this guy don’t wanna catch anything.. he also turns everything around on you so he’s not at blame for anything so it’s never his fault it’s always the other person’s fault in his eyes. I highly suggest just stay away from this guy far away! He’s nothing other than bad news

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