Ryan Christopher Torrey — Idaho

Ryan Torrey cheated on his pregnant girlfriend – [carrying his child]; entire time while pregnant, during birth, and after. Girlfriend confronted mistress when baby was 4 months old because she was continually being lied to by Ryan Torrey. Mistress was told by Ryan Torrey – baby wasn’t his and he was single. Ryan Torrey took mistress on work trips to hide her from girlfriend. Ryan Torrey also would leave girlfriend at home with infant and get a local hotel room with mistress for the night. Ryan Torrey has many financial issues and has cheated several times on girlfriend and ex-wife. Ryan Torrey is a sociopath and a pathological liar. A truth NEVER leaves Ryan Torrey’s mouth – do not ever believe him! Ryan Torrey is a dangerous man as he also got physical with his girlfriend when he found out she contacted his ex-wife for information found in their public divorce decree! Watch out women; do not be Ryan Torrey’s next victim! Ryan Torrey currently resides in Meridian, Idaho. He has lived in several cities within Idaho along with living in Montana when he abandoned his ex-wife and three children. He has also lived in Washington as that is where his family resides. Ryan Torrey claims to be Mormon but obviously doesn’t practice his religion. Ryan Torrey currently works at Fleetwood Homes [and Boise Hawks as the mascot during summers] and will wine and dine you to get you hooked and then it is all downhill from there…beware!

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