Rovio — Arena Event

My complaint is a very simple one! Whoever came up with the new scoring system for the Arena Event, must have been drunk! The new system is absolute rubbish and makes zero sense! Arena is no longer worth playing…It certainly won’t be on my list of games to play any more! I’ve been told by Rovio that the new scoring system has been worked out to even the players out. What absolute rubbish…inferior players are beating superior players…and Rovio says this is fine! Go back and revise your method of scoring for Arena. I’m sick to death of my opposition getting 34 more cards than me during the event. I could beat any player with this number of extra cards, it’s ridiculous. You play this game for years and Rovio shift the goalposts and allow poor players to easily beat far better players. It’s a great method for Rovio to make extra money by having the better player pay to challenge the poor player after being beaten. Great, greedy way to go Rovio. I won’t be spending any more money on this game. I’m happy to continue playing Hay Day and Plunder Pirates and hand my money over to them. Michael

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