Rosemary Kelly — Hatboro, Pennsylvania

This woman Rosemary Kelly is single and has a son she uses sports to get closer to the coaches. my husband has coached her son for years and it wasn’t until she and her boyfriend broke up that she became the “damsel in distress” making the coaches believe her ex-husband was a terrible person and asking for help. This woman was a friend of mine, our kids played sports together, we have been out drinking together. We noticed something with her was off when she was a sloppy piggy drunk and was basically sexually assaulting me. Guess I was the first step on her way to my husband!

A year later at another bar event, she again was a sloppy piggy drunk who grinded herself up against my husband, knowing she was a sloppy drunk I let it go. She texted me an apology stating how she was so sorry, we were great people and she would never “cross the line” since she “respected us” and get this she “appreciated my friendship”. Well like any man looking to score a possible threesome or piece of a$$ my stupid husband thinking with his d**k reached out to this woman. It was pure ***-driven for him and they repeatedly were sexting, met 2x in the car for make-out sessions, and finally took an opportunity while I wasn’t here to meet at her apartment and have ***. I found out a few days later and they both lied at first until my husband came clean with it all. She just tried to be a lying condescending wh*re telling me she didn’t see anything wrong with having guy friends, and again saying it was platonic and she “respects me too much to cross a line like that”! BEWARE of this b**tch she will become your friend, there have been countless talks I have had with her giving her advice and defending her over certain situations… I was being a FRIEND. She however knew what she was doing telling my husband how much she “really likes him but knows he won’t leave his wife”, and even after he told her he wouldn’t and this was just ***, she told him again how she really liked him! She signed her son up for the same basketball team as my son, she bought the same car as me, she was hoping she could just step right in… single white female meets fatal attraction. She comes across like a soft-spoken mom devoted to her son, but in reality, she is a filthy pig. BEWARE if this mom tries to come to ANY of your sports teams she is looking to score a “good guy” and apparently one that is already established with someone else!

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