Ron Morse — Portland, Oregon

This man Ron Morse gets off on just about anything but mostly by watching the same p0orno and recording snip-its to call and harass other people with. He sits in front of 4 computers ALL day long because he only has one leg and it’s the the easiest place to jerk off while he thinks of all the people he is hacking and hoping they are watching his old wrinkly *** trying to get his little **** hard. De he is a terrible person who lives alone under paranoia so he tries to play cool by conducting psychological warfare on others who remind him about his super tiny ****. He sends his little minions out to harass people so he stays ‘innocent’ the whole time. He has a major crush on Jake from the State Farm commercials because that’s the only way he can get his **** hard and that’s who he pretends to be when he text with threats because it makes him feel like a man. Ron follows children around to make himself feel like more of a man . He is broke with a twisted mind and will never win. It you want a good time tho look Ron Morse up in N. Portland OR he will love to show you his tiny ***** and teach you how to hack into computers, phone lines, credit scores, bank accounts, the list goes on, he’s a scum bag!!

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