Romel Fleming — St. Louis, Missouri

BEWARE Ladies if you see this dude run the other way. He is beyond the world’s biggest lowlife. He will lie to you and steal from you. He has multiple women all while having a fiancee at home. He thinks he is ***’s gift to a woman but in reality, he needs to be at the clinic getting checked. Nasty *** dude probably can’t keep track of what STD he has now. His friends aren’t any better. They constantly lie for him and the sad part is they even pretend to be friends with his fiancee all while they know what he is doing. They hang out with her and even have her hanging with one of the girls he was (probably still is) cheating on her with. De Don’t get me started on her either because she knows about his fiancee and has for YEARS. She even attended his and her child’s birthday parties and had cookouts with them. Almost bet money she has some kinda daddy issues especially since she is crazy and thinks she is hot ****. They both deserve each other she jumps around from man to man as well smh and she has a little girl that she is raising. Back to him, a lowlife loser needs to be put in his place. Ugly fat titty having *** dude have fun working at McDonald’s and suking **** at 47 losers. While I am out here making 4 times what you make *****. One day you going to try to talk to the wrong and get your *** beat. Lowlife loser goes climb back into your hole snake *** *****.

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