Rodney Tarnow Mill — Indiana

Rodney Tarnow is a dirtbag chameleon, he plays the victim and acts innocent but he is a loser with a *** addiction. Girlfriends in multiple states, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Tennessee, South Carolina, Texas and Arizona while married with honest wife and children at home pretending to be a decent church going family man. Purchasing girlfriends lavish gifts and supporting their lifestyle with credit cards instead of supporting his family. Once caught he became angry and threatened bodily harm to his wife to the extent she needed to get Domestic protection order. Rodney tries to bully and intimidate her and their daughter by sending threatening texts and even breaking into their home when they were not there. He’s been arrested for invasion of privacy and violating domestic order. He’s a control freak, lunatic, with drug and alcohol problems and has STD’s from sleeping around.

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