Rod Jacobs Rapist Landlord – New York

There is this sick Negro pervert, by the name of Rod Jacobs, who lives at 520 2nd Avenue, Apt 27-E, New York NY 10016, whose only claim to fame is that he used to box 30 years ago.

However, this loser is so ugly and dirty, that the only way he can get laid is by placing advertisements in the newspapers and on the internet for young, vulnerable drug addicted hookers and prostitutes to come and “live with him” by using a “spare room” where he stores all of his boxing paraphernilia, for the golden price of $300 “rent” per week.

Of course, this arch-pervert Rod Jacobs, deliberately targets young vulnerable hookers and drug addicted prostitutes because that way, if and when these ***** can not come up with the money to pay the rent, he “works out a deal with them” and foregoes this weekly rent for unprotected ********, **** ***, vaginal ***, cocaine, drugs, and any other illegal things that he can get his grubby black hands on.

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