This girl right here is really something else watch out for her because she will convince you shes the perfect match and when things get serious turns into a wedding hungry psycho. Meet Rochelle, these days who knows what her last name is because she was married then all of a sudden not just 2 months later. Shell come off as such a kind sweet strong woman but I think even being shes 33 theres still some insecurities I mean either plans a wedding then doesnt get married or actually has the wedding then kicks the guy out the same week. Then decides a year later she’s going to date a guy who was in her wedding party lol! I also met this girl and she was analy against marijuana then in the matter of months is all of a sudden cool with it and it’s all good no big deal like she didnt just spend weeks fighting with her ex about his “heavy drug use”. Hypocrite? Its time to get real girl, you cant force a guy to marry you if you have a bad track record. And some face cream could go a long way.